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The Importance of Using the Right Amount of Tire Pressure

If we don’t have enough air pressure, it will make the center of our tire sink in, wear out the outer edges, and prematurely damage the external rim of the tires. On the other hand, too much air, will bulge out the center and have a different harmful effect on the wheels. If the pressure is as the factory recommends, we’ll get a nice, even wear across the tire and make it last longer.

Remember not to check the pressure when the car’s been running for some time and the tires are hot. In that condition, the air expands. Once it cools down, we’ll find there’s actually less pressure inside, so we end up with the wrong tire pressure anyway. Lesson: Let the tires sit for a time before checking on them. Fixing a low tire in Naperville is the same as elsewhere. Let’s now talk about the importance of having the right tire pressure.

1. Safety

Having your tires consistently underinflated, or overinflated, for that matter, can seriously compromise their strength. A tire’s sidewall becomes weaker when it lacks enough pressure because this leads to excessive stretch when turning a corner. When the pressure is higher than is necessary, the middle section of the tire bulges out, and that’s what wears out. Either way, there’s also the danger of a tire coming apart from the rim.

2. Comfort

A ride will seem harder and more bouncy if the tire pressure is too high, since less of the wheel will be in contact with the road. You can have less traction with your car and will probably feel every pothole. Low pressure may seem more comfortable, but it has its minuses: slower reaction, less mileage per gallon, a shorter tire lifespan, and a possible blowout.

3. Longevity

Inappropriate tire pressure can result in uneven and early tire wear, whether the wheels are underinflated or overinflated. With properly inflated tires, you won’t need to replace them as frequently because they last longer. Moreover, all four tires can be changed at the same time, instead of one or a pair at a time. A flat tire in Naperville, or anywhere for that matter, can easily be resolved as long as we know whom to contact.

4. Fuel Efficiency

We can increase gas mileage by up to 3% by simply keeping our tires filled to the recommended pressure. A word of caution, though: since underinflated tires reduce gas mileage, it doesn’t mean that overinflated ones will increase it. Overfilled wheels have accompanying risks. There are better ways to increase miles per gallon. Driving slowly and with less load in the car will do the trick.


Our tires are one of the car’s most crucial parts, after the brakes. They fulfill the functions for which they were created when they’re properly inflated. The right amount of air gives them traction for safety, makes them last longer, absorbs bumps for a comfortable ride, and allows our fuel to go a long way. Tire pressure should never be taken lightly. Keep in mind that a low and flat tire in Naperville can easily be taken care of.

Roadside assistance like servicing a flat tire, pumping one that’s gone soft, fuel delivery, jumpstarting a dead battery, and needing a tow truck is available in most parts of the Chicago Metropolitan Area. Should the need arise, don’t hesitate to call for help at 630-392-6844. For more information on what help you can ask for, you can visit us at Classic Towing in Naperville.

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